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Regina A. Williams headshot. Regina A. Williams
Director of Planning and Budgets

Regina serves as the chief financial officer and financial liaison for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. She is responsible for the oversight and management of all budgets, financial operations, and fiscal resources for all departments, centers, institutes, and off-campus stations within the school and experiment station. She is charged with the direction, analysis, reporting, and control of all business/financial funds; develops operating plans for personnel, space, physical plant construction, and renovation and facility resources; manages and monitors all funds available to the school and experiment station. As a member of the Executive Dean's Office, Regina serves as an advisor to support individual faculty members, department chairs, center directors, and deans in strategic management of their resources as well as ensures efficient and effective utilization of all funds to best support the strategic goals of the school and the station.